2020 06 16 htb oh my zsh theme

HTB recently release it's web VM PwnBox which is running ParrotOS. The shell of choice is bash with a slick PS1 layout. I like to use ZSH combined with oh-my-zsh for extra juice, and decided to take a stab at writing a theme for oh-my-zsh. Knowing nothing about how to do this, I grabbed an existing one for an example and started tearing it apart and adding what I needed. I've added a bit more to my shell with cowsay, lolcat and I use Guake Terminal for it's top-down feature(quake, old habbits die hard :) ) My code can be found here, http://github.com/ikirt/htb-ohmyzsh-theme

Here is what HTB PwnBox BASH shell looks like


My screenshot as normal user, who you gonna call ?


I AM Root


Last update: January 27, 2022